The purpose of Grace Internatioanl Bible University -GIBU & Grace Theology Seminary GTS is to help all churches and Christians fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
Jesus said, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth, go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age (Matt. 28:18–20).
Grace Theology Seminary (GTS) helps Christians get the education they need by making Bible University affordable for people who are not able to pay thousands of dollars per year to attend a major Bible university. It makes Bible education available by its location right in the city at your own Church or Community. It makes Bible education achievable for people of all ethnic and socioeconomic groups. GTS makes Bible education practical for those who want an education that focuses on training in the Bible, ministry, and the Christian life. And GTS helps churches by developing loyal, competent members who will work with the pastor as he or she leads. Just what you’ve been looking for!
Grace Theology Seminary GTS 1st Online Graduation on July 1,2022.
Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr. speaks to Grace Theology Seminary GTS Graduates on July 1,2022 via zoom meeting.
Grace Theology Seminary GTS
GTS do operate on four different Programs.
REGULAR PROGRAM = in this Program, the University Dean of admission Office will admit a Student into the University Regular Degree Program. We accept students from all Levels into our Regular Degree Program. Baby Christian, Youth, adult, Youth Ministers and non-Christians.
This program runs from Certificate up to PhD. Length of time for each regular Program is as follows:
Certificate=Program (9) Nine months of intensive Studies. 21 Credits
Advance Diploma=Program (1) Year of intensive Studies. 30 Credits
Associate Degree = Program (2) years of Studies 60 credit hours in total
Bachelor Degree = Program (4) four Years of Studies 120 credit hours in total
Master Degree= Program (two) years 45 credit hours
Doctorate Degree =Program two years will require 70 credit .
2. FAST TRACK=(two years) this Program, GTS usually helps conduct it to Ministers who have served the Lord from 20 years or above serving as Bishop, Pastor or senior Church leaders.
This means that they have been reading the Bible, attending so many Bible Schools, school of Ministries, attending Conferences, Ministerial Workshops and so many Ministerial Training. With this, upon our Administrative Evaluation results, we provide them the Opportunity to enroll into our Fast-track program. We do accept only Pastors, Bishops and oldest Church leaders on this Program, for Bachelor degree 20 Books, Master Degree 15, Books and Doctor Degree 10 Books with research works and Thesis, Dissertation, Project work. This program involved, insensitive reading, doing assignments, answering Quizzing questions.
Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr. Addressed GTS Rwanda Family
A Candidate must finish reading the above approved books including the 3 three elective books. After this program, the doctorate Student will also select a Thesis Topic to write not less the 30,000 words equivalent to 500 pages.
All Thesis Topics much be first approved by GTS Thesis Dissertation Department before proceeding.
GTS DRC With Accelerated Degree Program
3. Accelerated Degree Program (2) rigorous/ intensive years; this Program is for all Most Oldest and prominent Church leaders of good reputation, celebrity and renown Senior Ministers who are not able enough to go to school again, we sometimes include some of our Senior National Leadership into such Program. Bachelor, Master, Doctor and PhD. These degrees Programs are usually based on Life know-how, involvement, and experience.
Here are the lists of 80% of Books needed for the bachelor’s degree Program in accelerated Program:
1. Disciples of Christ (Volume One)
2. Introduction to Systematic Theology (Foundation for Faith)
3. Manuel for Christian Education
4. 700 hundred names and Deity of Christ
5. Christian Character Development
6. Bible Training Manuel by Dr. Frank A. Willett GTS international President
7. Biblical Counseling Manuel
8. Ministerial Practical Ministry
How to Teach, Preach, Interpret the Bible, Conduct Ordinations, Weddings, Burials, Dedicate a Child, ETC.
9. Apologetic
10. The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit
11. Systematic Theology
12. How the Bible Came to us (Bible History)
13. Major World Religion
14. Trinity
15. Church History
Master Program books:
1. Disciples of Christ (Volume One)
2. Manuel for Christian Education
3. 700 hundred names and Deity of Christ
4. Church History
5. Biblical Counseling Manuel
6. Pastoral Teaching ministry Manuel
7. Apologetic
8. Church Administration
9. Biblical Psychology
10. Leadership Development
Elective books
1. Systematic Theology
2. Major World Religion
3. Christian Character Development
Note: All master’s degree Students will have to read complete (15) books and give their intellectual and emotional responses to prove to their Faculty Adviser that their lessons were well understood.
After reading these (15) approved books, a master’s degree Candidate will then select a Thesis Topic and submit it to an International Faculty Advisor to be approved before beginning with a thesis writing process.
Every degree should have courses from all 45 departments so as to develop breadth and balance in the student’s life. Specific suggestions are delineated in the section on degree descriptions.
GTS pass Programs photos.
Grace Theology Seminary GTS
Usually meets in the facilities of Local churches in urban areas, with large, clean, comfortable classrooms and chapels in many Nations.
GTS mission activities involves:
To equip all believers regardless of denominations
To train ministers, and church leaders,
To partner with other ministries and individual minister,
To sponsor a child education,
To provide students feeding programs,
To help the needy communities
To provide more scholarship for students,
To build Vocational, Academic Schools, and Colleges across the world.
And many opportunities to all people who may need it.
Below are Our International Directors
Bishop Dr. Timothy A. Johnson GIBU Executive Director – USA
Dr. Davis Jack California Director
Dr. Anthony Walto -United Arab Emirates
Rev. Dr. Charles J. Sathmary
Director of Canada, and South America.
International President of Christian Leaders Connection CLC.
Vice President of International accreditation Commission for Education IACE.
Bishop Dr. Mark GTS UK Director
Affiliation of GTS
Bishop Prof. Rudolph with Leaders of different Churches in Sierra Leone
Grace International Bible University GIBU & Grace Theology Seminary GTS is accredited by International Association for Biblical Education in India
GIBU 2018 graduation ceremony
GIBU hosted International Submit in USA Georgia in 2019.
Worldwide Leaders of GIBU Women of Grace
Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, Sr. With GTS Rwanda Family
Bishop Prof. Rudolph at Rwanda Airport with his host,at the hotel and at the table with GIBU family