The Church = is a Non-denominational, A Church for all
Believers in Christ Jesus.
Our vision is to bring unity in the Body of Christ, to bring the Church together under
one Umbrella.
The Mission of the Church is to Propagate the Gospel, to both rich,& poor, big, or small people, by planting Churches across the
globe, establishing Schools, Universities, Church Association, bringing hope to the hopeless and comforting those who need to be comforter. Basing
on the great commission Matt:28:19-20
COGIM VISION 2007- 2022
The Church have a set up vision by 2020 since her establishment that by 2022, we will established (7) seven
branches of the church across the seven continents of the world.
The mission of Church of Grace international ministries is to equip all believes regarded of denominations to train ministers,
Church Leaders, to partner with other ministries and individual minister, to sponsor a Child education, to provide Students
feeding and help the needy and provide more Scholarship for students, opportunities to all people who may need it. to build
Vocational and Academic Schools, Colleges.
Church of Grace international Ministries inc. is God inspired Vision given to a young man of God Bishop Rudolph
Q.Kwanue Sr. PhD. Since 2007 September 16, Dr. Rudolph received a called to preach Salvation and Caring messages.
He is a modesty, who through God Grace he brings hope to the hopeless and God restoration of Christ.
We love to work and partner with other Ministries.
We believe in supporting the work of God across the world with the direct supervision of Bishop Dr. Rudolph who is our
Spiritual Papa through biblical Education.
The ministry is base on humanitarian providing relief, assistance to families in needs and giving out free Tuition through
Grace International Bible University and Bringing People together through Christian Leaders Connections CLC.
The Church of Grace international ministries inc.
will be very grateful to get donation from Individual personalities, International NGO’s Local
NGO’s Churches and Humanitarians Organizations’ to help war affected, deserter of any kinds relief across the world.
Our Belief
we believes that there is but one living and true God. Everlasting, passions of infinite power, wisdom and goodness the maker and preserver of all thing both visible and invisible an in unity of one true substance power and eternal the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Jesus Christ, the Word who became flesh, died on the cross for the redemption of sinners, resurrected on the
third day, and ascended to heaven. He is the only Savior of mankind, the Creator of the heavens and earth, and
the only true God.
TheHoly Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testaments, is inspired by God, the only scriptural truth, and the
standard for Christian living.
The True Jesus Church, established by our Lord Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit during the time of the
‘latter rain’, is the restored true church of the apostolic time.
Water baptism is the sacrament for the remission of sins for regeneration.
The baptism must take place in natural living water, such as the river, sea and Creek.
Receiving the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues, is the guarantee of our inheritance of the
kingdom of heaven.
The sacrament of foot washing enables one to have a part with the Lord Jesus. It also serves as a constant
reminder that one should have love, holiness, humility, forgiveness, and service. Every person who has received
water baptism must have his/her feet washed in the name of Jesus Christ.
The holy Communion is the self-punishment to remember the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It enables us to
partake of the flesh and blood of our Lord and to be in spiritual union with Him so that we can have eternal life
and be raised on the last day.
This sacrament shall be held as often as possible.
Salvation is given by the grace of God through faith. Believers must rely on the Holy Spirit to follow holiness, to
honor God, and to love humanity.
The Lord’s Second Coming will take place on the last day when He descends from heaven to judge the world:
the righteous will receive eternal life, while the wicked will be eternally condemned.
More about the Church
Church of Grace International Ministries Inc. Was Officially founded on September 16,2007 by Bishop.Dr.Rudolph Q.Kwanue and his Beautiful Wife Mother Rita N.Kwanue at Republic of Liberia
The purpose of the Church of Grace international Ministries is to promotes the Kingdom works of God on earth.
Over the passed 15 years, the Church of Grace international Ministries has today given birth to so many Christian Organizations, Institutions, and Charity Organization such as:
1.Bishop Rudolph High School,
2. Grace international Bible University
3.Christian Leaders Connections CLC
4. International Accreditation Commission for education IACE
5. Women of Grace
6. Independent Council of Liberia Churches
7. Independent World Council of Churches
8. Bishop Rudolph Care Foundation BRCF that has today become a blessing to Christianity all around the World.
Becoming a Member and Affiliate with Church of Grace International Ministries, Inc.
To be a Member/Affiliate with the Church of Grace International Ministries, Inc. is a great decision.
To be part of Grace, you have entered a rightful place for correction, education, connection, nice Biblical Doctrines with sound Biblical teaching.
Your intention for becoming a member with the Church should not be about money or getting International Support in terms of finance.
Rather it should be helping to build God’s Kingdom and bringing people from darkness to light.
It should be about helping to change people minds to Christ positively.
Remember that the Church need donor supports with financial contributions and materials to help meet up with some of her goals and Objectives to help:
*Orphan Children,
*and people with disabilities.
The Church may at time, with God’s Blessing, seek to bless other Ministers, and Affiliates, but this is not mandatory, it is just sharing as one body.
Steps in becoming a member with Church of Grace International Ministers Inc. Here and some important fact about COGIM.
1. Fill in a membership form.
2. Have your own Pastor.
3. Set up a place of worship.
4. Be able to train.
5. Be honest to the church rules and regulations.
6. Follow COGIM Biblical Doctrines.
7. Accept Biblical Disciplines.
8. Be able to pay tithes.
9. Undertake your own church projects.
10. Be willing to associate with others.
11. Take correction from leaders.
12. Be willing to learn.
13. Be appositive-minded person.
14. Be willing to travel for other National and International assemblies, as much as possible.
15. Train the church to raise money and support their Pastor and other leaders.
16. Don’t depends on the International Headquarters for financial support.
17. Don’t suppress church members for money.
18. Give yourself to biblical training activities.
19. Don’t be greedy for a position, for power or for money.
20. Remember that being a part of the International Church does NOT mean that the church is responsible to support you or the local church financially.
21.Your association with Church of Grace should be under the Spiritual Directions, Guardians, and Spiritual Covering of the Church but not to be a burden to the International Church.
However, we are wholeheartedly willing to accept and assist any Minister who need Partnership in Ministry.
The Church is ready to give out over Thousands Partnership letters this year.
Our Church has Branches in Liberia, Kenya, Mozambique and the US.
You are invited. and we welcome you with love, peace and Joy in Jesus Name.
Bishop Dr.Rudolph Q.Kwanue Sr. Sr.PhD.
Founder and National Director COGIM.
Director of Church of Grace International Ministries inc.