- Founder,CEO & Presiding Bishop of Christian Leaders Connection C.L.C. Dr.Rudolph Q.Kwanue Sr.
Christian Leader Connection (Worldwide)
is a movement of Global Christian Leaders Network.
Founded by Bishop Prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue Sr. in 2010 July 14,
We usually issue the following:
* Ordination Certificate
*Licensing to Ministers
*Hanging Badge
Ordination certificate for a any Ministerial office is $125 USD
This for license and Ordination certificate.
Including Badge…
Christian Leaders Connection is about working together as Clergy Members in the Body. We Are international association of Christian Leaders Worldwide.
We will be working with Christian association, Assembly, education, in many area.
C.L.C mainly focus on Ordinations,Consecration of Bishops, Apostles, and giving license to Ministers.
Christian Leaders Connection is an Umbrella to Church of Grace International Ministers Inc.
The Church Give birth to the University
C.O.G.I.M.I, G.I.B.U, I.A.E.C and C.L.C are one family and in Union.
we have a lot of opportunities for ministers. We can’t just prepare you with biblical education and let you go. You need to have Ministerial License and an Ordination to confirm your calling. In the present age, Ministers are usually challenged by others in their own country and in strange countries. Under GIBU, we have Christian Leaders Connections (CLC). The responsibility of CLC is to License, Ordain, and Consecrate a Minister. CLC has all the documents that are needed for ministers. If you are interested in having such International Credentials; such as a Minister’s License, etc., I will send the test to all interested candidates. Just sent email me at: admin@gibu.education You will have the opportunity to get:
1. International Ministerial License,
2. Ordination Certificate, and
3. Ministerial ID The cost for all the above is: $125 USD.
We have a representative near your city who can help you in the process if you need their help.
Sent application to rudolphkwanue@yahoo.com
for you Ordination Process.
*Be Married
*Have a Church/Ministry
*Be above 18 years
*Must a Pastor of local Church not less then 5 years
*Submit your Biography, Vision, Mission Statements Life Goal and Objective.
*Tell us what impact as Ordain minister you will make in the body.
Website: www.gibu.education Contact : admin@gibu.education
1. Blue Clerical Shirt with half collar
2. Holy Teaching Bible
3. Holy Anointing Oil Biggers Bottle
4. Must be in full Suit
1. Black Clerical Shirt with half collar
2. Holy Teaching Bible
3. Holy Anointing Oil Biggers Bottle
4.Must be in full Suit
1. Black Clerical Shirt with half collar
2. Holy Teaching Bible
3. Holy Anointing Oil Biggers Bottle
4. Must be in full Suit
1. Wine Clerical Shirt with half collar
2. Holy Teaching Bible
3. Holy Anointing Oil Biggers Bottle
4. A Chain and a Cross
5. Must be in full Suit
1. Clerical Shirt Wine with Full Collar
3. Apostolic Robe
4. 2 Jointed Cain plus Crossier and Ring
5. The Holy Teaching Bible
6. Holy Anointing Oil (Bigger Bottle)
1. Clerical Shirt Wine Full collar
2. Holy Bishopric Bible
3. Full Bishopric Robe
4. Holy Anointing Oil (Bigger Bottle)
5. 3-Jointed Chains plus Crossier.
6. Ring with Purples colour
7. The Bishopric Chair
Rev Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue Sr. PhD. – Founder,CEO & Presiding Bishop
Rev Dr. Charles J. Sarthmary Sr. -Canada – International President
Rev Dr. Martin Rees – United Kingdom – International Vice President
Rev. Dr. Martin Lloyd Rees is now 62 years old. Rev. Dr. Martin is now 23 years as a Founder & Senior Pastor with his wife, Pastor Gaynor Rees, at Life in the Nations Church Abercwmboi Aberdare Wales UK. He alone with his wife has planted churches in Holland, Bulgaria, India, UK, other counties. Dr. Martin has been a leader over Life in the Nations International and has been overseeing 340 Churches.
He was appointed as Christian Leaders Connection C.L.C International Vice President Worldwide. on July 22,2018. CLC is responsible for Ministers Ordination,License or licensing of Ministers.
Bishop Dr. Timothy A. Johnson GIBU Executive Director – USA
Bishop Dr.Rudolph Q. Kwanue Sr. along with Christian Leaders Connection In Ghana Consecrating,Licensing and conducting Ordination for Ministers on September 27,18.
Bishop Dr.Asare on national Duty
Bishop Dr.Rudolph appointed Bishop Dr.Asare as CLC National while Apostle Dr.Frank was also appointed as Assistant Director of CLC Ghana