GIBU is quite amazing! It stands as one of the greatest discoveries for me to have access to Grace International Bible University (GIBU) online. Having gone through almost one third of it’s academic walls learning various Biblical courses, GIBU has left an indelible mark on me intellectually. Since I entered GIBU’s programs, my knowledge about God and the atonement work of Jesus Christ have greatly developed. GIBU’s online academic impacts are far incredible. I am profoundly gratified to have become a pioneer student of this globally accredited university. All l can say is more grace to its chancellor Bsp/prof. Rudolph Q. Kwanue Sr. and the entire leadership at GIBU worldwide – amen!
Obediah Korboi – Zorzor Liberia
Testimony of Benson Mazikana.
Bachelors in Ministry
I would like spare this moment and share my testimony with what I have experienced through Grace International Bible University.
GIBU is a hub for excellent Christian Education, to equip Ministers and Saints with the knowledge necessary for ministerial work.
I have gained a lot, through the studies. I have learnt to interpreted scripture in a revelatory way. My sense of focus in studying scriptures has been heightened. The scriptures says in 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved, a workman who needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Through GIBU, this scripture is also accomplished.
Through A Module of Character Development I have learnt to talk sense and Appreciate other fellow Minister’s Views.
As a minister of the gospel I need to have the right Character and I have learned that. The University is equipped with honourable Professors who are highly educated and with personal encounter experiences.
Let alone the University is flexible and Tuition Free, and this eased the burden upon my finances.
GIBU is surely a place to be.
I thank God for the Visionary and Founder Dr Rudolph and the Team Behind the scenes that makes the work of GIBU easy for us. Thank you

Benson Mazikana.
Bachelors in Ministry
Rev.John Malolo,
Bachelor Class GIBU.
My Testimony about grace Int school university. Fist and for most let me thank Dr Rudolph and indeed all the lectures for the love and kindness they have shown me since i started school.may the all mighty God continue to bless them and continue with the same spirit. To be honest i will never be the same and i have learned a lot of things which will help me even to run the ministry properly. I have acquired a lot of knowledge. It is quite a lot of things i have taken from this school including the registration of our school here in Zambia. God bless Dr Rudolph and family and let all the plans he has with this vision come to pass , also i speak protection upon him and his family. I thank you.
Rev.John Malolo.

Rev.John Malolo. -From Zambia
My Testimony By:
Evang. Dick Eric Kumi
Bachelor Degree Class,
I give thanks to the Almighty God for the opportunity to be part of Grace International Bible university GIBU- USA/Laberia I was introduced by my friend Rev. Dr. Alexander from Ghana. He told me ,the Grace International Bible university is offer free tuition education and I was amazed. Since the purpose of the Grace International Bible university is to help all the church’s and Christian to fulfil the great commission of Jesus Christ through out the world and also help Christian get the need by making Bible college affordable for people who are not able to pay thousands of dollars, per year to attend a major Bible university. I have learnt so much from Grace International Bible university and have got more deeper understanding about Theology and Missions work , the GIBU have transformed my life. All the program’s of GIBU have really change my life and has help me build my ministry and my missionary work, school make ordinary people to become heroes in the society. About lectures and professor’s ,they are so wonderful, humble, caring and they love everyone. They listing to all the students and always encourage us. Administration and leadership, the educational level and qualities of its professors are so wonderful they are not only into education but they are more than father’s to all of us. Especially, our Papa Dr. Rudolph Q.Kwanue the founder and the leader of Grace International Bible university ,He is the father to all of us and we thank God for such a wonderful God fearing man of God, and beautiful family of GIBU. I won’t encourage the general public and my minister’s to advantage of the tuition free facilities to build their ministry’s and training their pastor’s and church leader’s. God bless you all, God bless the family of GIBU.
Long live Administrators
Long live lectures Long live GIBU
Long live papa Dr. Rudolph Q.Kwanue.

Evang. Dick Eric Kumi
Bachelor Degree Class, -Ghana
Special testimony about
Grace International Bible University USA/Liberia
By: Rev. Emmanuel Ofosu Asare
Master’s Degree Class, Ghana
I PRESENT this special testimony about Grace International Bible University (GIBU) – USA/Liberia, to the glory of God. I got knowledge about Grace International Bible University from my dear Royal friend and brother Nana Kofi Yeboah II chief of Gyedua-Kese, Wasa Amenfi Traditional Area in the Western Region of the republic of Ghana, also known in private life as Rev. Dr. Alexander Yeboah.
When he discussed in details about the vision and mission statements of GIBU, and that they offer free tuition education, I thought “this is too incredible to be credible. This might be one of the superfluous institution”. .But something spoke to me based on John 1:45-46 where Philip informed Nathanael they had identified Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to Mosaic norm of the theology by which prophets are recognized. Nathanael skeptically retorted “can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Philip responded, “Come and see”. In other words, it means “Don’t sit down and criticize; come and verify the fact!”
Thus I determined to critically evaluate the Mission and Vision statements of the University, its curriculum, affiliate institutions and organizational bodies and structure of administration, the educational levels and qualities of its professors, library and learning facilities among others. Based on this critical research on the quality of the school and why they offer free tuition, I observed and became convinced of its objectives and goals. That is to educate, and help as many believing Christians as possible “by providing electronic teaching materials, starting new college throughout globally” that they could establish themselves in the Ministry of Christ to achieve the purpose of the Great Commission. I have got deep respect for the great initiative of the founder, Rev. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue Sr., supported by the able administrators and lectures, to establish such a high academic tuition-free institution.
The most astonishing corollary of this objective is its decentralization policies, which makes the university broad-based so as to reach as many Christian believers possible to offer them the opportunity to achieve their dreams of becoming well established spiritually, academically and morally character-based heralds of the Gospel of our salvation in Christ. Undoubtedly, the University is currently recognized in five out of the seven continents of the globe!
As with all teaching institutions, the main objective of teachers or professors in teaching-learning methodology is to make good use of knowledge based on all four learning levels as follows:
Application: the ability to apply rules, method, principles, theories, etc. for concrete situations that are new and unfamiliar. It also involves the ability to produce, solve, operate, plan, demonstrate, discover, etc.
Analysis: The ability to break down a piece of material into its component parts, to differentiate, compare, distinguish, outline, separate, identify significant points, etc., recognize assumptions and logical fallacies, recognize inferences from facts, etc.
Synthesis: The ability to put parts together to form a new whole. It involves the ability to combine, compile, compose, devise, plan, revise, design, organize, create, and generate new ideas and solutions.
Evaluation: The ability to appraise, compare features of all different things and make comments for judgments, contrast, criticize, justify, support, conclude, make recommendations. Evaluation refers to the ability to judge the worth of some material based on some criteria. It is generally the highest form of thinking and learning skills and is therefore the most important behaviour.
I definitely find that the Professors’ methodological approach in their teacher-learner activities seek to achieve just that! This is because:
They allow collaborative discussion which enables students to actively participate in the learning process.
Their debriefing method, that is, conversational method session is very inspiring; they allow this to take place to allow sharing and examining information after teaching session.
Classroom Action research is another concrete method which they employ to find out what works best in their interest as professors so they can improve students learning skills.
Truly speaking, I greatly revere the lecturers for their commitment to teaching, their inter-personal skill and communication with their students. Their lovely, promptly approach to their students whenever the needs of any students becomes known to them is an added advantage to the reputation of both the University and her handlers. With keen view and monitoring the curriculum of the University, her administrators and lecturers, I do not find any adverse repots or defects to prompt my dislike for the Grace international Bible University IGIBU). In my judgment, this is one of the finest higher biblical academic institution, which must be given the needed attention and support to achiever her vision and mission objectives or goals.
I wish to seize this opportunity to inform the general public, Christians and non-Christians to take advantage of the tuition free facilities of the great higher level of education to enroll to be equipped academically, morally and spiritually.

Emmanuel Ofosu Asare
Master’s Degree Class, Ghana
Special Testimony about Grace International Bible University USA/Liberia
By Pastor Mukiza James
Master’s Degree Theology, Rwanda
I would with my open heart thank God who gave to Rev. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, the vision and Mission of Grace International Bible University ( GIBU ) implanting and expending it worldwide.
For the first place, I didn’t know Grace International Bible University. I knew it through Bishop Rugubira Theophile who told and informed me about it.
I am so grateful to him for the best connection.
GIBU came as a response to my longtime desire and passion to continue, improve my knowledge as God’s matters are concerned. For time being, I tried to search as I could to different schools, colleges, and Universities where to study and pursue Master’s Degree in Theology.
Unfortunately where I tried and applied to, did not exactly fit or respond to my desire.
Thank God, when informed about GIBU, I was happy then decided to apply as soon as possible. So, I was admitted to study at GIBU.
I believe this work you are doing is not vain to the Lord. It will be helpful to many leaders and servants of God.
God who gave and planned this vision knows what lies ahead. No fear, no distress, no questioning so much for its advancement. The Bible states, ” Now to Him who is able to do more exceedingly abundantly above all what we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever Amen. ( Ephesians 2: 20-21 NKJV ).
What simply can we do is to keep Asking, Seeking, and Knocking.
“Ask,and it will be given to you, Seek, and it will be find; Knock, and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives, and who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
( Matthew 7:7-8 NKJV ).
I appreciate all prophessors Lecturers and Trustees of GIBU, they are hard working Leaders with zeal,devotion, determination, patience, humility, and love.
They work in cooperation and unity even if they are afar off from each other in different countries. The distance is not hindrance or obstacle.
God who also permits both prophessors and all affiliated students to meet together to this very Network, will at any cost provide. ( where there is vision there is also provision ).
Let us join hands together to sustain or support this vision and mission which have been given to Rev. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue. It is also ours!
Live the Almighty God ! who gave this vision to his Faithful Servant.
Live His Servant Rev. Dr. Rudolph Q. Kwanue, for accepting the vision of GIBU!
Live also all Prophessors, Trustees, Students sharing and participating to this worldwide Network !

Well! to all GIBU International Leader, International Board of trustees, Students, Affiliates, Professors, i am very proud of the work that God has given me to do i am very much happy fort this vision. we will make sure to see this vision come fo fulfillment .
I am moving with these Scriptures : Habakkuk 2:1-3
1.I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
2And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it
3.For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.brethren, with these Scriptures, i remain faithful and Obedience to the Vision given by the Lord Jesus Christ. i welcome and appreciate all of your kinds testimonies and words of encouragements

Rev.Dr.Rudolph Q.Kwanue Sr. PhD.
Founder & International Coordinator