Message from the International President
Bishop Dr. Frank A. Willett- Ph.D.
International President USA.
Welcome, Beloved!
I believe God has established GIBU & GTS to serve you and our world through His Church. Our purpose statement summarizes our focus in these words: “Grace Theology Seminary GTS exists for the purpose of Educating and Equipping Servants for the Church of Tomorrow while Edifying the Church of Today.”
” These words capture the pulse of our campus as we engage in the exciting and challenging task of serving God and His Church.”
You too can join in this eternal mission.
As you sit in classes led by experienced and godly teachers, you will find your life directed toward rewarding service.
Your personal relationship with Jesus Christ will be enlarged and enriched as you submit to God’s Word.
Our motto, “Education is our Passion,”
permeates our entire campus community, Through ministry opportunities and through campus activities we seek to nurture humble but confident servant leaders, we have been blessed over the years to have over 100 partnership agreements with many Bible Colleges and Universities across the World.
we have both international and National Men and Women of God who have life experience in many years working with God who are now your faculty you may feel free to ask any questions about your lessons our Staff will help you.
Thank you for spending your time getting to know us through our website, visit our Offices.
At GIBU there are lots of opportunities I encourage you to chose the courses you would love.
Why not take the next step and come to see for yourself? I look forward to your visit.
Grace Theological Seminary GTS Because Life is for Service!
Blessing to you from my international Office GTS Baltimore Maryland USA.
GITS United Kingdom Leadership team.
GTS Democratic Republic of Congo DRC lead by Bishop Dr.Yebiyo
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